Greensboro Drug Treatment and Relapse Prevention

Relapse can happen for various reasons, but isn't necessarily something that means addicts' recovery efforts have failed. Relapse prevention techniques and programs should be put into place in order to help curb relapse, but a recovering addict must stick to their long term treatment plan in order for relapse prevention to be effective. Relapse prevention is a part of both inpatient and outpatient treatments because relapse is so prevalent. An individual must learn what triggers or cravings might set them off, and have a safety net in place to help them stick to the Greensboro drug treatment and relapse prevention techniques that they have learned.

Explore your options for treatment by calling (877) 804-1531 to find out about addiction recovery centers in Greensboro that can help you avoid relapses.

The Stages of Relapse

Emotional relapse can be set off by an event, bad news, or even a time of year. If a recovering addict hasn't properly gained the skills for coping mechanisms, sometimes events can set them off. If an individual cannot fathom getting through something without a substance or behavior, they might relapse.

Mental relapse can occur when an individual feels as if they are cured, and don't need to have long term treatment in their life any longer. If an individual stops going to support groups or surrounds themselves with old friends or activities that remind them of their addiction, this can set off a relapse. A recovering addict's mind can trick them into thinking they can use again, even just once. This can set off a person and lead to a full blown relapse quickly.

Physical relapse can be in the form of cravings that can come immediately after treatment, or later on in a recovering addict's life. It is important for the individual in recovery to understand that cravings will pass, and they should reach out for support to help them get through this time without using. Either by attending a support meeting or calling on a sponsor, getting through physical cravings is hard but not impossible.

Make the first step to get your life back. Call Greensboro Drug Treatment Centers at (877) 804-1531 to find out about Greensboro alcohol detox centers that will start you on the path to recovery. You can also visit your local Narcotics Anonymous ( for more support.

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Call Now (877) 804-1531